Tag Archives: Twitter

New Facebook Fan Page For Kimba

Kimba has been tweeting for over a year now (click here to follow her personal twitter feed), but the time as come for her to have her own Facebook fan page. Click here to like her page and follow the silliness that is my Kimba Baby.

Over the next two years, I will be branching out into much more than my Cats in the Mirror book series, so my Facebook page will be evolving along with my published works. Kimba’s activities will move more to her own page. Just in case you didn’t know, there is already a fan page for each book in the Cats in the Mirror series: “Why Kimba Saved The World” and “Vacation Hiro.”

I’m also thankful for a review of “Vacation Hiro” that was shared by the Kidz Review Krew blog site. Eleven year old Rhiannan enjoyed this book as much as the first, and I love the fact that this site is actually kids reviewing the books themselves. Stop by and give them some traffic for their other reviews!

Here’s part of her review: “‘Vacation Hiro’ is another great book to add to the series. If you love cats and wonder why cats act a little strange sometimes, you will love this book. I now wonder if my cat is visiting an alien spaceship when he disappears sometimes!”

I hope y’all enjoy whatever plans you have for Superbowl Sunday. Football is fun, though I don’t really care who wins this game, but the food and family…and the commercials…are always the best part of the day for me. Kimba has already posed for some pregame photos.

Kimba picks the Broncos to win because she's pretty sure even she could beat a Seahawk.

Kimba picks the Broncos to win because she’s pretty sure even she could beat a Seahawk.

By Sunday I should also have a completed rough draft (okay, very rough draft) of “Miss Fatty Cat’s Revenge.” That’s more exciting than ANY football game, ever!

Have a wonderful weekend!