Our first big spring event this year was the Jeep Festival on Holiday Island on Saturday, April 27th. It was the Holiday Island Chamber of Commerce’s first time to host this event–and a rainstorm came through for the beginning hour or so that may have kept some visitors and vendors away–but we were not dissuaded. Once the skies cleared, some every day and some amazing jeeps showed up, and we had a delightful time meeting new friends from the island area.
That helicopter and all of the Veterans statues and memorials around us made me think of my grandfather (WWI) and my father (WWII) and both of my nephews who are on active duty right now. Pat & Andy argue over who is crazier. Andy jumps out of airplanes, and Pat repels out of helicopters. Since you couldn’t pay me to do either thing, I think they should call it a tie. I’m grateful that someone is willing to do it and serve our country, so they both win.

It started out rainy and very chilly. The kitties and I wrapped up in the tablecloth, but the sun came out soon.

There were fun activities going on all around us. Even an old-style fire truck was available for kids (and cats) to play on.

One of the jeeps there looked like an old army jeep, but the owner said not a single part on it probably ever saw action. Ah well.

These jeeps were crazy and did all sorts of tilting and had wheels going every which direction. We kept expecting them to transform into a dinosaur. Kimba was glad it held still during her photo moment.
Overall, it was a fun day with beautiful weather. We even had the honor of sending off two copies of “Why Kimba Saved The World” with the Elk’s Club ladies for a part of their annual distribution to 700 first graders in the area. Happy to help!
It was also great training for our busy upcoming weekend at the War Eagle Spring Craft Fair on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (2nd-4th) from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm. This will be our first time participating there, so come out and say hi.
In totally unrelated news, I’m thrilled to have been featured by The Fussy Librarian on Monday of this week. She requires very tight standards for the books that are featured, and we love that “Why Kimba Saved The World” was considered up to snuff. “Vacation Hiro” will be featured separately on another date in the near future.
I’m also very excited that I have nearly mastered the InDesign program, and print formatting of “Miss Fatty Cat’s Revenge” is well underway! Once that is complete, Book 3 still needs another pass by my editor, and probably another pass or two by me and my tech writer mother, and then advanced reader copies (ARCs) will start to go out to reviewers who have already taken on the first two books and been so supportive. The plan is to have ARCs out in June! Then we start formatting for the kindle version, but that’s a whole ‘nother pile of fur for another day.
Hope you enjoyed our Jeep Festival photos, and be sure to check out The Fussy Librarian and sign up for her email recommendations!