Despite the rain, we had an excellent time at Springfest 2015 in Fayetteville on Saturday. There were lots of cool vendors, live music, and a dog parade. What more could you ask for from a street fair?
“Max’s Wild Night” was the sales leader for the day (and Kimba is pretty miffed about this). Scott (the money guy across the hall) nagged me about the “dog book” until I finally wrote it, and I’m thrilled to see it walking away in happy little hands.

A parade of dogs highlighted the day. So many dogs in costume! I’m not sure Max would stand for that.
Despite the fact that it rained for a few hours mid-day, we had nice book sales and wonderful conversations. Fayetteville is full of really delightful people!
The Girl Scouts had a cookie booth next to mine. There was no way I was leaving without some cookies. Kimba and Hiro just wanted to play with the crinkle wrappers inside. It was literally their last cookie sale day of the year. Whatever didn’t sell will be donated to shelters and food kitchens. I never knew they did that with the leftovers. Wonderful.
I imagine that we will do Springfest again next year. I’d love to see how busy it is without the rain. Up next is the War Eagle Spring Craft Fair in Sharp’s Field on May 1-3 (right next to the mill). I wonder if Max will be the winner there as well.
I’m on target for my writing goal for “Slinky Steps Out” this month and just finished editing a delightful “coming of age on the river in the 1930s” Huck Finn-style book for Pen-L Publishing. Editing for “At the Corner of Magnetic and Main” starts in a couple of weeks, and it should be out in August. Very exciting!
I’ll be sharing official release information for “Max’s Wild Night” shortly. May 1 is his birthday, so that’s our big launch date. I think we have all the kinks worked out at and are ready to roll. Good dog, Max. We should both get a treat.