Paperback Available!

I’m thrilled to announce that paperback copies of “Why Kimba Saved The World” are now available at! If you go to the “Kimba” page at my site, you will find links to purchase it from amazon, or you can buy a signed copy from me directly (which comes with a free bookmark). Sadly, the ebook version is still having some issues, so if you want to read it that way just hang in there a couple more days so you can get a really clean and pretty copy. It is amazing how difficult theĀ conversionĀ and ebook process is, and I’m grateful to have professionals helping me out there. It has really been a labor of love to see this book through so much that is normally handled by a publishing company, but I had grown tired of getting responses like “very creative, but not right for our list at this time” — if I got any response at all. Even more often, I found that good publishing houses are closed to anyone without an agent to submit for them. So…thanks to modern technology and amazing folks like Carol Hohle who know their way through the maze of book creation, I was able to share this fun story with the world myself. I hope you enjoy sharing it with all of the young people in your life…. and that you enjoy it yourself.