I’m not sure why a cat on a ladder makes me smile and forget whatever drama of the day I am caught up in. If I wanted to see it live, all I would need to do is pull out a real ladder, and Kimba would be at the top lickety-split. Today has left me feeling torn between the YA novel I am doing final edits on and preparing for a target audience read and the fact that I really want to keep moving on “Vacation Hiro” and get that published. A really inspiring workshop with the Northwest Arkansas Writer’s Group this weekend and lots of new ideas from that is not helping matters. There’s never enough time in the day! So I’ve decided that I’ll send out the YA book at the end of March, whatever state it is in, and spend April on “Hiro”. Having goals helps. And then I put on a video of Kimba chasing her tail on a ladder to brighten my day. Click on the photo and let it brighten yours too.