It seems appropriate to give a moment in the spotlight to the graphic artist who conceptualized and created the cover art for “Why Kimba Saved The World”-– Leslie Hollinger Vernon. Her work was arranged through my publishing super-helper, Carol Hohle, so we never spoke directly. (I hear that Leslie has just had a new baby, so mazel tov on that too!!) In the beginning, I even had a totally different concept in mind with the image of Kimba reaching up and touching a mirror (which will make sense once you have read her story). Where we ended up, including just the exactly right color of purple for the background, is so much better. Cover art, especially in children’s books, is HUGELY important. Based on how Leslie’s work was purchased, she is not credited in the book itself, but I wanted to make sure her name is out there somewhere. Well done, Leslie!! You will be hearing from me again.