Summer time in Eureka Springs brings a great chance for independent artists and authors like me to share our wares with the tourists who come through town. Basin Park, in the heart of downtown, is always an interesting place to wander through on a weekend. You never know what you will find. But this is especially true during May’s Art Festival events. I had a great weekend being part of the Artrageous Festival on Saturday, May 25th, and loved meeting other artists in town, as well as both kids and adults who shared stories about their favorite crazy cats. Copies of “Why Kimba Saved The World” went home with excited children and adults, and many names were added to my mailing list. The weather was perfect. Street musicians entertained us all. Our resident 11 year-old performing sensation juggled knives just inches from our tent. All-in-all, it was a great Saturday in the park. Knowing that my book earned some new fans is the icing on the cake.

Scott used some chalk from the Kid Space booth next door to create some inviting “Kimba” footprints.

Three of the artists with booths nearby turned out to be cat lovers who just had to take a copy of “Kimba” home with them.