Well, for my first time out, things went pretty well. I wanted to support a local business and get “Why Kimba Saved The World” in front of as many people as possible, so I set up a table at a local fundraising event. The problem is: a children’s book of any kind was not a great fit for the event. I suspected as much from the beginning, but it still seemed worth a try. And it was free. In the larger scheme of things, the whole event was fairly disorganized and put together in haste. Those in charge where happy to admit it. Not a lot of advertising was done either. The best of intentions often come up short. It wasn’t a complete waste of time, though, because I spent many hours with some delightful women who also found themselves with not much else to do but chat with fellow vendors. I made a great contact for the local business that my husband and I run. I sold a few copies of “Kimba” to women who were thrilled to get it. But I also learned that it is okay to be selective on where I chose to spend my time. Something billed as a giant yard sale is not going to be as successful for me as I anticipate next Friday night’s circus themed activities in Basin Park will be. I mean, a bunch of kids coming to party should be a captive and interested audience. Right? I’ll let you know next weekend. If nothing else, my daughter should have a great time decorating my booth.

Hey Meg! Yes, I tried a couple of events in November/December right after my first book was published to “get the feel” of talking about my book to others. But they were both not events especially conducive for selling books. Decided to be very selective about in person events this year. My current plan is only events that are specific to books – book fairs and book festivals. But I have booked a booth at a Women’s Expo since my books have a woman audience focus. So I definitely think an event with lots of children attending could be good for a children’s book! Keep us posted! I wish you well my friend!
Thanks! I am fortunate to live in a town that has constant festival and fairs, so I can pick what works and doesn’t work over time. Right now I’m hoping to get in on a Kite Festival at Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge. Kids and cat lovers seems like a good fit! There are many lessons ahead (that why I called it #1), but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I have not given up on the Books In Bloom Festival either. Still hoping to sway them, for next year if not for this one, that shunning independently published books may have served a purpose at one time but is a policy to change!